Hi-Life is alive at EPFL.
Hi-Life was launched at EPFL in the beginning of September 2017. The project will last in 24 mounts and it includes collaboration in between academia and industry, such as Aalto University and Meyer Turku in FInland as well as SONATS in France.
The unique complementary aspect of the proposed research will allow an integrated approach for the application of the novel treatment procedure. This aim will be achieved (1) by manufacturing of specimens at Meyer in cooperation with Aalto, (2) by improving them at SONATS, (3) by testing of small-scale samples at EPFL, (4) by measuring residual stress states of small-scale samples at ILL and MLZ (neutron scattering), (5) by investigating the micro structure at MLZ, Aalto and EPFL, (6) by full-scale testing at Aalto and the implementation of the method to industrial partner at Meyer.